Grit Fitness & Wellness

Grit Fitness & Wellness

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Guest Blogger: 13.1 Miles

Emily Jones will be a Guest Blogger during our 8 Week Go Commando Race Training Program that prepares individuals to run a 5K, 10K or Half-Marathon. The program will consist of 2x a week of the Nationally Recognized Boot Camp Challenge workouts in addition to group runs on Saturday mornings.  
Emily will be participating in the 10K on October 18th and sharing her workout and training experience here.

Week 5

I completed my second half marathon on Saturday and every thought, bite, sip, and move I made this week was with the race in mind.  If I were smarter, that would have been how I prepared the past few months, but apparently I enjoy a little pressure.  Truthfully, I would have dropped down to the 5k option of this race if it weren’t for my two friends who were also running.  It was the first half for both of them and I hated to upset our running group, even though a 5k would have fit perfectly into my Go Commando 10k training schedule.  My first half was in 2010 and it was taken me 4 years to even think about completing another one.  It is just not a distance that I enjoy, although I do enjoy a great after party and celebration dinner!

On Tuesday before the race, I had some unexpected free time with my 2 year old so I ended up doing an easy 3 mile run with the jogging stroller.  “Easy 3 mile run” was not in my vocabulary a few short months ago, but Boot Camp, plus the Saturday running group, has helped get me to that point.  

That same evening was Boot Camp where we focused on legs and abs.  We did some team and partner exercises, including relays and sprints.  Cue the alert about the state of my legs on Saturday!  I needed as fresh of legs as I could get to trump the mind game.  I may have considered out loud not attending boot camp on Thursday before the race, but Courtney nipped that in the bud.  She promised we wouldn’t be doing leg exercises on Thursday and that there is a method to her madness and I’d be ready for the half marathon.  
True to her word, Thursday was an arm and ab day with a few laps thrown in for good measure.  She and the other boot campers and running coach were so encouraging about the race.  They even sent me a fun surprise at work on Friday.  I’ve never been so excited to see a foam roller in my life!

Friday was the race expo and packet pick-up.  I resisted the urge to drop down to the 5k, mainly due to the decrease in calorie burn that would occur and ruin my celebration dinner plans.  Sorry, running friends who are excited about your first half.  It’s all about the calories now.

On Saturday, we left Clarksville at 5:00am for the 7:00am start time.  I knew the course had changed since 2010 to a less hilly route, but I didn’t realize how many hills were still included.  I got caught up in the race day excitement and energy and the first 9 miles went by quickly.  9 miles?  Went by quickly?  That is crazy talk!

I was able to keep a consistent pace, until I hit THE WALL.  The last 4 miles were brutal.  Painful.  Awful.  I needed a taxi.  I killed my pace.  I kept thinking about Go Commando and how I never wanted to race again.  I was rehearsing my speech to Courtney about dropping down to the Go Commando 5k.  Or even just not showing up, which is so not my style, but I can make exceptions.  Then, I crossed the finish line and it’s pretty much like the doctor placing your baby on your chest.  You forget all the pain and are so proud of your baby, or your medal.  Take your pick.

I finished 13.1 for the second time!  I will finish Go Commando 10k in three weeks!  The Boot Camp Challenge and I have got this!

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