Grit Fitness & Wellness

Grit Fitness & Wellness

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Guest Blogger: Drum Roll Please....

Emily Jones will be a Guest Blogger during our 8 Week Go Commando Race Training Program that prepares individuals to run a 5K, 10K or Half-Marathon. The program will consist of 2x a week of the Nationally Recognized Boot Camp Challenge workouts in addition to group runs on Saturday mornings.  
Emily will be participating in the 10K on October 18th and sharing her workout and training experience here.

Final Blog Post:

My first 8 week Boot Camp Challenge session and the Go Commando 10k race is over and I’m alive and well and able to write this final blog post.  In fact, I’m more than alive and well, I’m down 8.5 inches total and 1.5% body fat!  Hello, Results.  So nice to finally meet you!

I was strangely nervous when Courtney took my “after” measurements.  I was sure that somehow, some way, I would be the one that showed no improvement.  Or, even (gasp!) the one whose numbers increased.  It’s hard to forget all the failed diet and exercise attempts of the past.  I should have known better than to question the process though.  It works.  It truly works and I was thrilled with my numbers, which were taken after 7 weeks, and with my performance in the Go Commando 10k race.  No way could I have completed 6.2 hilly miles without Courtney’s training and that of the Boot Camp running coaches.  Crossing the finish line to a group of cheering boot campers was an amazing feeling of accomplishment.

Each Boot Camp class ends with the campers revealing their effort level on a scale of 1-10, their high during the class, and their low.  As I reflect on the entire 8 week session, I am proud to say that my effort was a 10 during each and every class.  I may not have wanted to attend on certain evenings, but once I was there, I was determined to give it my best effort.  Plus, who wants to do burpees for losing a team competition?  Not this girl.

My highs from the session include:

·         8.5 inches total and 1.5% body fat lost

·         Compliments received

·         New friendships gained

·         Endurance increased

·         Challenging 10k race completed

·         8.5 inches total and 1.5% body fat lost – That’s worth repeating!

My only low is that I have to take a temporary break from Boot Camp.  So, so sad!  After working for the same organization for the past 13 years, I’ve accepted a new job and will be commuting to Nashville.  While my schedule will have flexibility to allow me to attend Boot Camp after the initial training period is complete, I won’t be back in town in time for class during the interim.  So, my low is not a goodbye to Boot Camp, but a goodbye for now.  We will see each other again soon.

If you’ve been considering trying a class, don’t hesitate any longer.  If this mama of two with a full-time desk job, who loves to eat lunch out on the regular, can get results, so can you!  I’ll see you on your mat ASAP!

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