Grit Fitness & Wellness

Grit Fitness & Wellness

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

2015 Pre-Goal Setting

Exactly 4 weeks ago, many of us set New Year's Resolutions. How are they going? Are we keeping up with them?

Only 48 more weeks to go, right? 

Resolutions are a tricky thing. Every trainer wants their clients or campers to want to achieve some kind or resolution! With our program, Grit Fit & Wellness/Boot Camp Challenge, I always encourage those to really contemplate their GOALS, not resolutions the entire month of January.

Try it out for a week, is it achievable?
Does it work with this point in your life? 

Last week we sat down and took a blank page and I told them to just write whatever came to mind as I talked.

Here is what I said:

  • Reflect back on 2014. What are you most proud of having accomplished? What moments of achievement stick out in your mind?

  • Imagine that through an explainable miracle, you have been transformed into the smartest, most ambitious, and creative human being on this planet. Knowing that with absolute certainty that you can achieve anything that you set your mind towards, what near-term goals would you choose to pursue to help improve the overall quality of your life?

Write the first thing that come to mind for improving your

  • Energy- What enhancements will grow my level of energy and focus to improve my productivity?

  • Exercise- What gradual changes will enable me to improve my exercise routines?

  • Health Improvement- What shall I stop or continue doing to improve my health? What steps can I take in the next 48 hours?

  • Healthy Environment- What improvements in my living environment will promote a better health?

  • Nutrition- What can I do to improve my nutrition and hydration?

I also found this article helpful as well in terms of goal setting for 2015 from

Next step...setting of the actual goals!