Emily Jones will be a Guest Blogger during our 8 Week Go Commando Race Training Program that prepares individuals to run a 5K, 10K or Half-Marathon. The program will consist of 2x a week of the Nationally Recognized Boot Camp Challenge workouts in addition to group runs on Saturday mornings.
Emily will be participating in the 10K on October 18th and sharing her workout and training experience here.
I’m Emily and I’m starting the Go Commando Boot Camp
Challenge 10K training tomorrow! I’m
nervous about not being able to walk the next day, but also super excited
because I’m confident the Boot Camp Challenge is going to produce the results I've been struggling to achieve on my own.
Three years ago, I was in the best shape that I've ever been
in and had recently dropped 35 pounds, was working out 5-6 days per week, and
had completed my first half marathon. Not
too long afterwards, I was expecting our second child and I used the pregnancy
as an excuse to stop running and watching my weight. That’s common, right? Please tell me I’m not the only one?! I delivered the cutest, chunkiest baby. Seriously.
All 10.7 lbs. of him. We just
celebrated his second birthday this weekend with lots of cake and ice cream and
sadly, my chunkiness is not nearly as cute as his and I am beyond ready get
this Boot Camp Challenge party started!
I’ll be running the Go Commando 10k on October 18. I began in April with the Couch to 5k plan on
my own and have built up some base mileage, but I’m looking forward to the
Saturday group runs with the Boot Camp Challenge participants the most. I have a competitive nature and the group
setting is what I need to push myself. A
trainer like Courtney Mambourg telling me to push away from the cake doesn’t
hurt either. I’ll be posting regularly
throughout the 8 week Boot Camp Challenge and I’m looking forward to sharing my
experience and progress with you!
You can register for the Go Commando 5K, 10K or Half-Marathon here:
Or Sign-Up for the Go Commando Training Program here: