Grit Fitness & Wellness

Grit Fitness & Wellness

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Worst Calories: HYDRATE

...liquid calories. 

While reading through some of my client's food journals, I came across this little bit:

Starbucks - Grande Caramel Frapaccino 16 fl oz 410cal 66carb

64g sugar

Every single fitness professional can get on their soapbox and list the many, many reasons as to why it's probably not the best choice. 

64g of added sugar? Pretty much encouraging formation of new fat cells.

Bob Harper wrote in Skinny Rules, "Humans are simply not built to consume liquid calories. 'Humans may lack a physiological basis for processing carbohydrate or alcoholic calories in beverages'"

My favorite drink of choice? Water. I love it. I drink it in the morning, while I workout, at lunch and during dinner. I tell my clients daily, it's all I drink!

So you can imagine my surprise this past month, when I actually sat down and measured my water intake for the day. 



How is that possible? It's the only thing I drink. 

I now know why! Like everything else in health and wellness, heck even life, I did not keep track or hold myself accountable. 

For the next 7 days, I challenged myself to actually write down my water intake.

I bought this at the store and added a few lemons, cucumbers and some mint:

83 ounce water pitcher. 

Challenge: Drink the entire pitcher in a 24 hour period. 

I noticed an immediate difference in my eating habits (I felt fuller longer), my energy, my skin and my stomach felt flatter. 

I always ask my campers & clients, "Did you drink enough water today?". There is usually a hesitation, followed by a "I think so".

After tracking for 7 days, there is no "think so". You will definitely know so!

If you think you are drinking enough water, truth is you are probably not, unless you are tracking the number of ounces via water bottle or heck a cleaned out milk jug similar to what fitness models carry around with them. 

I know, I know…but how much Courtney?

2 "rules" floating around in the fitness community:

1) 1/2 body weight in ounces (minimum 64 oz)

2) Mayo Clinic now suggests 11 8oz glasses

Challenge for this week: Record your water

Notice the changes. 

How far off were you from your daily goal of water intake?

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Vacation: Perfect time for a workout!

Per request. Here are a few of my favorite workouts while on vacation with limited space and no equipment:

Be sure to get a good warm-up in before starting the workout. Don't forget your hip openers!

LADDER WORKOUT (30-35 minute workout)

Move up the ladder then back down

2 Situps
4 Crunches
6 Bicycles
8 Reverse Crunches
10 Plank-Ups

(repeat above 3 times before moving onto 12)

12 Squat Thrust
14 Hand Release Push-ups
16 Jumping Jacks
18 Mountain Climbers
20 Jump Squats

(if you have time, move up to 30)

22 Skaters
24 Lunge
26 Superman
28 Bridge
30 Calf Raises

100 Run Workout (20 minute workout)

Run 1/4-1/2 mile (maybe to a nearby bench or picnic table)

25 Step-ups/Box Jumps
25 Decline Push-ups
25 Bench Dips
25 Incline Bridge

Run 1/4-1/2 mile


:30 Front Plank
:30 R Side Plank
:30 Front Plank
:30 L Side Plank 

TABATA (9 minute workout)

20 sec High Knees
10 sec Rest
20 sec Power Jacks
10 sec Rest

Repeat 4X

20 sec Burpee
10 sec Rest
20 sec Star Jump
10 sec Rest

1 min Front Plank

WOD Total Rep (12 minute workout)

1 min Split Jumps
1 min Rest
1 min T-Push-up
1 min Rest
1 min Butterfly Situps
1 min Rest
1 min Squat Jumps
1 min Rest
1 min Burpee
1 min Rest
1 min Chair Dips

Add total number of reps for the above exercises.